Pest Prevention Pointers if You Have Pets in the House

When you have pets in the house, you have an additional risk of bringing pests into your home because pets can attract all sorts of critters other than fleas. More than that, you also have to protect your beloved pets from pests that can harm their health and well-being, such as worms, ticks, and fleas.

Luckily, you can prevent both of these problems by having a general pest control plan in your house. With that, here are several tips on how you can prevent pests for both your pets and your home:

  1. Bathe and groom your pets regularly

If your pets go outdoors to do their business and whatnot, it is imperative that you clean them regularly. Otherwise, they could be bringing all sorts of bugs that stick to their fur every time they go outside. Keep their fur short if possible and bathe them on a regular schedule with anti-flea shampoo. Similarly, trim their paw pads to reduce the amount of dirt (and possibly, small bugs) that they track inside the house.

  1. Address existing pest problems ASAP

Pest infestations do not go unnoticed easily. If you see signs of pests in your home, be sure to address them as soon as possible, especially if they can cause serious harm to your pets. For instance, ticks can transfer a large number of diseases when they feed on a host (and they like to feed on dogs!) and cause bacterial and screwworm infections. So, once you spot a tick, call tick control services immediately to prevent the problem from spreading.

  1. Clean paws

Pets can track in dirt, mud, and bugs inside your home through their paws, just like humans do with their shoes. That said, make it a habit to wipe off your pet’s paws with a cloth and pet-safe disinfectant before they go inside the house after spending time outdoors. If they are filthy, it may be time to give them a paw bath.

dog drinking from her bowl

  1. Check pet bowls regularly

Pet bowls make great habitats for bacteria and can attract pests, mainly due to the food and saliva that get left behind. To avoid this problem, clean your pet’s bowls regularly. Wash them in the sink or dishwasher to get rid of lingering food and bacteria. If you clean your pet bowls regularly, you can wash them in the same load as your other dishes without worrying about cross-contamination.

But how often should you wash your pet’s bowls? Generally, it’s best to wash food bowls after every meal or at least once a day. As for water bowls, washing them once or twice a week should be enough.

  1. Check your pets for fleas

If you spend enough time with your pet, you should be able to notice if they have fleas or ticks in their fur. But whether you cuddle with them regularly or not, it is vital that you check them regularly for fleas, especially if they go outside every day.

Once you see a flea or tick on their skin, bathe them with mild soap and use a fine-toothed comb to remove the bugs. After that, kill the fleas and dispose of them in a thick ball of tissue paper or a plastic bag. Check your pets for fleas regularly afterward to ensure that you haven’t missed anything.

If the problem persists, take your pet to the vet for appropriate treatment. Moreover, you may have to call a pest control service to get rid of the remaining fleas in your house.

  1. Wash pet beds

If your pets have ticks or fleas, it is common for these bugs to end up in your pet’s beds as well. Wash your pet’s bedding regularly with pet-safe detergent. At least once a week should be enough to keep your pet clean and safe.

  1. Clean your house regularly

Keeping your house clean is the best way to prevent pests from invading your abode. Consequently, it will also help keep your pets safe from pests and minimize the amount of dirt they have brought into your home.

Here are certain chores that are imperative for pest prevention:

  • Vacuuming and mopping the floors
  • Throwing out the trash daily
  • Cleaning the garbage disposal
  • Disinfecting the toilets
  • Removing any sources of standing water
  • Washing linens and rugs

Pests can be a major nuisance in your home, but they can be seriously harmful to your pets. With that in mind, be sure to take extra precautions to safeguard your home—and beloved animals—from fleas, ticks, worms, and other types of pests.

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