Content Marketing: Improving Your Business in More Ways than One

According to data from Smart Insights, there are at least 3.5 billion daily searches on Google worldwide, 27.2 percent of which is from the US alone. These searches all correspond to something the user is looking for. Whether it’s a product or service, a place, a recipe, or just something they’re curious about.

Content marketing delivers these answers to the people who need them. Content marketing, which is also another way to optimize your website for search engine visibility, leads your target client to your digital doorstep. The setup is a win-win situation; your client finds what they’re looking for and you get leads.

That said, here’s everything you need to know about content marketing and how it can improve your business.

How Your Business Benefits from Content Marketing

Content marketing generates leads thrice as much as outbound, in-your-face marketing. Content marketing also costs 62 percent less, since you’re essentially just writing about the information you presume your target client wants to learn more about.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70 percent of consumers actually prefer to learn about a product or service through articles online instead of outbound or more traditional ways of advertising. This data then tells you that to let more people know about your brand, writing content is the way to go.

  • Content marketing does the heavy lifting for SEO

Writing content, whether in the form of blogs, articles, news, press releases, white papers, and social media posts, rank well with Google. The longer someone reads your content, the better it ranks on search engines.

A high rank on search engines, of course, spells well for your business because it means your rank will go up. Your website and other pieces of content have a high possibility of appearing on the first three pages of a search results page. Research shows that the combination of a website and content-heavy blogs equal 434 percent more of search engine-indexed pages.

Ranking higher than your competitors on a search engine gives you the upper hand because people will see your content, your brand, your products and services, first. Not only will this translate into valuable leads, but will also help increase brand awareness and visibility.

  • You get leads and sales conversions

According to an article by the Content Marketing Institute, 61 percent of consumers made a purchase right after reading a blog recommendation. Additionally, content marketing helps bring in conversion rates that are six times higher than any other marketing method.

Great content helps your business garner more leads and promote sales. This is because the content you write is genuinely what your target market needs. Your product is what they’re looking for, and writing about that in blogs and articles helps them find you faster.

Why You Need to Improve Your Content Constantly

Content SEO (Search Engine Optimization) acronym, business concept

Like any other craft, you have to improve the content you publish online consistently. Google, which is currently the most used search engine worldwide, rolls out content, and website guidelines every year. You need to keep track of these and mold the way you write your content around what Google thinks is appropriate.

Additionally, you also need to improve the way you write your content for your target readers. You want them to know you’re staying up-to-date with the latest trends and following recent, relevant information that you want them to know.

Content marketing is very audience-centric. You put the needs of your target client’s first as you create the content you presume they want to read. Improving your craft attracts more readers to your website, sending a signal to search engines like Google that consumers prefer reading content from your site.

Content marketing improves your business through generating leads that could prompt your target clients to buy from you. Writing great content also bears the bulk of SEO, allowing search engines to rank you higher and for your target market to see your business better.

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